Pelanor Graph

Detect spending anomalies before it’s too late.

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Cross-Provider Cost Recommendations

Make product and business moves with confidence

Create thresholds

Set spend thresholds to receive an alert when an expense starts to go too high.

Choose how to monitor for anomalies

Pick what group of resources to monitor for each alert. Monitor by region, what’s included in a report, or a single resource. Spot changes by comparing time periods, budget, or use machine learning.

Make all the right moves.

From Unsure
to Accountable

Empower your engineering teams to align their development decisions with business goals and build cloud infrastructure efficiently by design

From Reactive
to Proactive

Use real-time monitoring to see potential financial risks before they happen, eliminating unexpected cloud-cost spikes and emergency root-cause analyses

From Obscure
to In-Focus

Know which initiatives bring the highest ROl so you can maximize growth and profitability

Drill Into Costs

Drill down big-data costs to individual tables, queries, and users whether you’re on Snowflake, BigQuery, RDS or Athena - Pelanor can split it

Untangle Spend

Stop pricing by service and start pricing by usage. Whether it’s a container, cluster or DB - we’ll unpack it for you

Plan & Forecast

We have the data to take your forecasts to the next level, drive budgets with precision and make value-driven decisions